Thursday, October 29, 2009

RSS Feed

I found RSS very interesting. I did add a couple of sites. I did see where on my outlook I could find a list and add these also. I can see where this would be helpful ro very busy person. These were easy to use.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Method 3

Computing in the cloud has such a calming name. If you lay back and look up in the sky and see all those beautiful clouds floating around one could be the email you sent your sister. One could be the bill that automatically got paid from your account today. One could be the prom dress you just ordered for your daughter. All of these done at different times of the day on different sites and yet you can go into the hotel and pull it all up and review it. For students home on break it is a good way to be attached to school.

As for business I think cloud computing is great for people who want to work from home or businesses that allow people to work from home.

I am always a little nervous about someone else having such power over my information. But as time goes by I can see where we will have to let go a little more in order for us to keep up. I do hope to try Zoho now that I know about it.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Methods 1 & 2

I think Web 2.0 is the way of the future. In this ever changing world we must learn to keep up or be left behind. As much as we dread learning to do things in a different way when our library changes systems it always seems to cut out time and steps in our everyday work flow. With the communication industry changing and the younger people learning at a much younger age than we did, libraries will have to change with them.

Many of our students work and take classes, so they are very busy. The easier we can make it for them to find resources and get information the more they will come in. If they can do it from their rooms they don't need us. That is why it is important that we provide them with a quiet work area to use. Our library has provided comfortable work areas with large work stations so they can spread out and work. We have comfortable couches (and sometimes I walk past napping students) and chairs so they have the at home feel. With wireless internet they can work in groups or separate.

Our library offers information on its home page so students can find news, and information about the library as well as things of interest on campus.

We want our first year students to come in thinking the library is a fun and interesting place to be rather than the boring, timid place it once was. We don't want them to be afraid to ask questions, or feel intimidated by our staff.

Web 2.0 will help me to learn more about what is going on in their world which will help me to communicate with them better. By reading the post we can learn how other libraries are using this information and what changes are being made to better help the students. So I am looking forward to learning.